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건축을 향한 여러분의 꿈을 실현시켜드립니다.​건축학과 

본문 시작


년도 학년 이수
과목명 상세
학점 이론
2024 1 전공 357006 건축학개론(Introduction to Architecture) 2 2 0
2024 1 전공 357007 건축제도및소묘(Architectural Drafting & Sketch) 3 2 2
2024 1 전공 401209 건축공학개론(Introduction to architectural engineering) 2 2 0
2024 1 전공 401309 건축형태구성(Architectural Form and Space) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공필수 401348 건축역학Ⅰ(Structural Mechanics Ⅰ) 3 2 2
2024 2 전공 357009 건축역학Ⅱ(Structural Mechanics Ⅱ) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 357011 서양건축사(History of Western Architecture) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 357109 도시환경디자인(Urban Environmental Design) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 357115 건축계획론(Architectural Planning) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 357117 건축시공학(Building Construction) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 357138 건축재료(Building Materials) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 400359 건축환경계획응용(Environmental Planning Application) 3 3 0
2024 2 전공 401211 웰빙건축환경(Building Environmental Engineering for wellbeing) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 402111 인간심리와건축(Human Psychology and Architecture) 2 2 0
2024 2 전공 410461 단위공간및주거복지시설설계(Unit Space and Residential Welfare Facilities) 4 2 4
2024 2 전공 410462 근린생활시설계획및설계(Design Studio Neighborhood Facilities) 4 2 4
2024 3 전공필수 357017 철근콘크리트구조물의설계(Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공필수 357029 건축공사관리(Construction Management) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공필수 400360 상업업무시설계획및설계(Design Studio : Commercial Building) 4 2 4
2024 3 전공필수 400363 교육문화시설계획및설계(Design Studio : Educational/Cultural Building) 4 2 4
2024 3 전공 357016 구조해석(Structural Analysis) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 357022 건축법규(Architectural Laws & Regulations) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 357026 철골구조물의설계(Design of Steel Structures) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 357118 현대건축론(Theory of Modern Architecture) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 357119 한국건축사(History of Korean Architecture) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 357142 철근콘크리트구조시스템(Reinforced Concrete Structural Systems) 2 2 0
2024 3 전공 400361 마감시공기술(Technology in finish construction) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 400362 건축설비Ⅰ(Architectural Equipment Ⅰ) 3 3 0
2024 3 전공 401712 주거단지계획(Residential Site Planning) 3 3 0
2024 4 전공 357144 건축DIY실습(DIY in Architectural Construction) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 401350 건축적산(Building Estimation) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 401351 건축캡스톤디자인(Architectural Capstone Design) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 402112 통합건축설계(Integrated Architectural Design) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 402114 생태건축실무체험(Practice Experience of Ecological Architecture) 3 2 2
2024 4 전공 404085 도시계획의 이해(Understanding Urban Planning) 2 2 0
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