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21세기 '경험의 시대'를 이끄는 세명 호텔인호텔관광경영학과

본문 시작


년도 학년 이수
과목명 상세
학점 이론
2021 1 전공 005017 경영학원론(Principle of Management) 3 3 0
2021 1 전공 005415 호텔관리론(Principles of Hotel Management) 3 3 0
2021 1 전공 401883 주장관리실무(Practice of Bar Management) 2 1 2
2021 1 전공 402100 약선제과제빵실무(Medicinal Herb Baking Practice) 3 2 2
2021 2 전공필수 335127 레스토랑경영론(Restaurant Management) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공필수 400729 이벤트경영론(Event Management) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 005414 관광학개론(Introduction to Tourism) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 330063 회계원리(Principles of Accounting) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 335035 관광법규(Laws of Tourism) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 335038 외식경영론(Foodservice Management) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 335040 관광자원지리(Tourism Resource Geography) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 335068 객실관리론(Room Operation & Management) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 335072 서비스마케팅(Service Marketing) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 400715 프랜차이즈경영론(Hospitality Franchising) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 401880 서비스조직행동(Service Organizational behavior) 3 3 0
2021 2 전공 401882 호텔관광개발계획론(Hotel & Tourism Development Plan) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공필수 330008 소비자행동론(The Theory of Consumer Behavior) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공필수 335106 외식창업론(Restaurant Development) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공필수 335112 호텔영업회계(Hotel Operational Accounting) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공필수 400727 컨벤션경영론(Convention Management) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공 330168 여행사경영론(Management of Travel Agents) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공 400484 관광교과교육론(Education Theory for Tourism Education Course) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공 400485 관광교과교재연구및지도법(Research of Teaching Material for Tourism) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공 401119 카페메뉴개발실무(Cafe Menu Development) 2 1 2
2021 3 전공 401881 고객관계관리실무(Practice of Customer Relationship Management) 2 1 2
2021 3 전공 401884 웰니스산업론(Wellness Industry) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공 401885 호텔관광촉진전략(Hotel and Tourism Promotion Strategy) 3 3 0
2021 3 전공 401886 호텔관광정보실무(Practice of Hotel & Tourism Information System) 2 1 2
2021 3 전공 401887 컨시어지서비스실무(Practice of Concierge Service) 2 1 2
2021 3 전공 402101 와인과소믈리에실무(Practice of Wine and Sommelier) 2 1 2
2021 4 전공 400486 관광교과논리및논술(Writing & Logics for Tourism Education Course) 2 2 0
2021 4 전공 400720 의료관광론(Medical Tourism) 3 3 0
2021 4 전공 401112 하스피탈러티캡스톤디자인(Capstone Design of Hospitality) 3 3 0
2021 4 전공 401641 환대산업기업실무(Hospitality Industry) 2 1 2
2021 4 전공 401888 호텔관광조사분석론(Hotel & Tourism Statistical Research Methodology) 3 3 0
2021 4 전공 401889 클럽과리조트경영실무(Club & Resort Management Practice) 2 1 2
2021 4 전공 401890 환대산업세미나(Seminar of Hospitality Industry) 3 3 0
2021 4 전공 401891 관광상품개발실무(Practice of Tourism Product Development) 2 1 2
2021 4 전공 401892 서비스인적자원관리실무(Practice of Service Human Resource Management) 2 1 2
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