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전문 인재육성바이오헬스케어융합학과

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  • 이화진 교수 사진
    이화진 (Lee, Hwa Jin) 교수
    • 소속 보건바이오대학   바이오헬스케어융합학과  
    • 연구실 이공학관 4층 414호
    • 전화번호 043-649-1682
    • 이메일 hwalee@semyung.ac.kr
    • 담당과목 약학개론 분석화학,한약감정학및실습 기기분석학및실습, 바이오의약학,천연물화학및실습, 생약분석학및실습 제약영어



1998.08-2005.02 숙명여자대학교 약학대학 대학원 (박사, 약품분석-천연물화학)
1995.03-1997.02 숙명여자대학교 약학대학 대학원 (석사, 약품분석)
1989.03-1993.02 숙명여자대학교 약학대학 약학과 (약학사)


2013.03-현재 세명대학교 바이오제약산업학부 부교수
2011.11-2013.02 숙명여자대학교 약학대학 세포운명조절연구센터, 연구교수
2006.01-2008.03 Dep. Chemical Biology, School of Pharmacy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA, Postdoctoral fellow


천연물로부터 신약개발을 위한 선도물질 도출
- 천연물의 단일성분 분리 및 구조규명
- 천연물의 생리활성평가 소염, 항암, 미백, 항산화, 줄기세포 분화 조절활성 평가


-Z-Ajoene Inhibits Growth of Colon Cancer by Promotion of CK1α Dependent β-Catenin Phosphorylation (Molecules,25,703,2020)
-Enhanced Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Processed Eucommiae Cortex (Natural Product Sciences 25, 143-149, 2019)
-Anti-Inflammatory Compounds from Atractylodes macrocephala (Molecules, 24,1859,2019)
-Anti-pancreatic cancer activity of Z-ajoene from garlic: An inhibitor of the Hedgehog/Gli/FoxM1 axis (Journal of Functional Foods,56,102-109)
-Prenylated Polyphenols from Broussonetia kazinoki as Inhibitors of Nitric Oxide Production (Molecules,23,639,2018)
Modulation of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in LPS-Stimulated BV-2 Microglia by Prenylated Chalcones from Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik. through Inhibition of I-κBα Degradation (Molecules,23,109,2018)
-Inhibitory Effect of a Sesquiterpene from Artemisia iwayomogi on Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase by Suppression of I-κBα Degradation in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells (Natural Product Sciences 23,92-96, 2017)
-Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the ethyl acetate fraction of the Agastache rugosa extract (Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 49, 331-337, 2017)
-Diarylheptanoids suppress proliferation of pancreatic cancer PANC-1 cells through modulating shh-Gli-FoxM1 pathway (Archives of pharmacal research 40, 509-517, 2017)
-A sesquiterpene lactone from Siegesbeckia glabrescens suppresses Hedgehog/Gli-mediated transcription in pancreatic cancer cells (Oncology letters, 12, 2912-2917, 2016)
-Phytochemicalsand antioxidant activity of Codonopsis lanceolata leaves (Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 47, 680-685, 2015)
-Stilbenoids from Rheum undulatum Protect Hepatocytes Against Oxidative Stress Through
AMPK Activation (Phytotherapy Research 29, 1605-1609, 2015)
-Diarylheptanoids from lesser galangal suppress human colon cancer cell growth through
modulating Wnt/β-catenin pathway (Journal of Functional Foods 18, 47-57, 2015)
-In vitro neuroprotective activity of sesquiterpenoids from the flower buds of Tussilago farfara (Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 30, 852-856, 2015)
-Inhibition of Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway by Dehydrocostus Lactone and Costunolide in Colon
Cancer Cells (Phytotherapy Research 29, 680-686, 2015)
-New Cytotoxic Sesquiterpenoids from Siegesbeckia glabrescens (Molecules 20, 2850-2856, 2015)
-Atractylochromene is a Repressor of Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling in Colon Cancer Cells (Biomolecules & Therapeutics 23, 26-30, 2015)
-Chalcones from Angelica keiskei Attenuate the Inflammatory Responses by Suppressing Nuclear Translocation of NF-κB (Journal of Medicinal Food 17, 1306-1313, 2014)
-Methanol extract of Cinnamomum cassia represses cellular proliferation and Gli-mediated transcription in PANC-1 human pancreatic cancer cells (Natural Product Sciences 20, 170-175, 2014)
-Inhibitory Effect of Galangin from Alpinia officinarum on Lipopolysaccharideinduced Nitric Oxide Synthesis in RAW 264.7 macrophages (Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 46, 511-515, 2014)
-Tussilagone suppresses colon cancer cell proliferation by promoting the degradation of β-catenin (Biochemical and biophysical research communications 443,132-137, 2014)
-The effects of Korean cucurbitaceous plants on the alkaline phosphatase activity associated with sonic hedgehog pathway (KOREAN JOURNAL OF PLANT RESOURCES 26, 673-677, 2013)
-Synthesis and anticancer activity of aminodihydroquinoline analogs: Identification of novel proapoptotic agents (Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters 23, 3976-3978,2013)
-A new labdane diterpenoid with anti-inflammatory activity from Thuja orientalis (Jurnal of Ethnopharmacology 146,760-767, 2013)


- 2020.04~2022.12 (산업통상자원부)천연물제제 다각화지원 기반구축사업-세부책임
- 2019.01~2021.05 (산업통상자원부)천연물 조직배양 상용화시설 구축-세부책임
- 2018.06~2021.05 (한국연구재단)Gli 전사인자 활성조절을 통한 암 전이억제 물질 발굴 및 구조-활성 상관관계에 관한 연구
- 2012.05~2015.04 (한국연구재단)헤지호그 신호계 조절물질 발굴과 기전규명을 통한 암치료 전략 수립에 관한연구


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